About the OT301 Community

The OT301 is an international community of people that work and live in the old Film Acamdemy on the Overtoom in Amsterdam. We are organised as an association called Vereniging EHBK (Eerste Hulp Bij Kunst). Everybody that has or runs a space within the OT301 is a member of that association. As a community we share the responsibilty for the OT301. 


Community member profile

Monika Stepak - DJ Power vs Power

Being part of Amsterdam underground scene since 1995. 
From 2000 become official member of OT301 collectieve, since then always enthousiastic and motivated to add energy towards this "Palace of potential" venue. 

Proffesionally trained - alternatieve health therapist and researcher with 20 years of experience and background in: Meiso shiatsu and Medical Thai massage. 
Certificaat Okido Yoga instructor. 
Studied, trained and teach: in Italy, Poland, UK, The Netherlands, Japan, Colombia, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malasia & Australië. 
Okido Yoga

Founder and  project leader from Movement academy and Youth Circus OT301 since 2000. Performer, aerial art - sport instructor with a holistic approach. 
Movement Academy.OT301
Llife for life
Youth circus ot301

Founder of project Life for life OT301 - social circus working with street kids, orphans and kids in needs in Jakarta and Phnom Penh. 
Life for life ot301
Iinstagram life for life ot301

Monika use Okido Yoga, healing and circus arts as a medium for inspiring and empowering others. 

Parallel with that she is devoted to music and creative dance culture. DJ, record label owner, event organiser - dedicated her force towards cutting edge entertainment. 
Facebook DJ Power vs Power
Facebook Power vs Power records
Instagram DJ Power vs Power
